Film Fridays :: Happy Mother’s Day

family, film fridays, personal

the blog

film fridays: a personal project where I put down my digital camera and share images created on film.


In the spirit of Mother’s Day this Sunday, I’d like to share a blog that someone was kind enough to share on Facebook. Hands Free Mama It has forever changed how I view my time spent in my children’s presence. I know as parents we can’t do EVERYTHING right. We are inevitably going to do something that our children will be talking to a therapist about later in life. To err is human, right? But this is one simple act we can do. And deep down we have known all along that it was wrong but temptation is strong. Distraction feels good. And it seems so.. harmless. But it’s not. Read it. We need this wake up call! And maybe then you won’t miss the one-and-only goal your son makes during soccer season because you were too busy looking at your phone. True story. :(

Now go honor and thank the women who have helped shape your life and have a great Mother’s Day. Happy Film Friday!

Geek info
Top photo: Kodak TriX400 on Mamiya
Bottom photos: 35mm Kodak TriX400 on Pentax


with me

For photos of other empowering women, follow along at